The latest round of Microsoft Labs “envisioning” videos have been getting quite a bit of press lately (sadly I didn’t get to this year’s Worldwide Partner Conference to catch the latest “live”).
Click here to see them (in a new window). Some are quite thought provoking, which is, I suppose, the intention.
These were quite timely for me, as I am preparing a “future workshop” for a client. The board of the organisation wants to get their senior management together, so that we can discuss, debate and define elements of where they should be in 5-10 years. They want to cover service offerings, processes and elements of what technology should be enabling them to do.
I normally start by giving a “potted history” of where things were 5-10 years ago, to make people think about how far (or otherwise!) things have come in the same timeframe that we are going to look forward over. I might just use some of these videos after that to get the debate going!
By the way; around this time, 10 years ago, Lawrence Dallaglio resigned as England rugby captain after a drugs scandal, NATO called off the air war in Kosovo, and two students went on the rampage at Columbine High School killing dozens of students.
That was the news, what were you doing, how did you do it, and what tools were you using?
How much have things moved on for you?